Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fascial Stretch Therapy?

Why is Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) more effective than traditional stretching?
Unlike stretching that attempts to isolate and stretch specific muscles, fascial stretch therapy (FST) targets fascia, the connective tissue found in, around, and between joints. To stretch the fascia, a certified FST therapist gently pulls then moves the legs, arms, spine, and neck in a smooth motion at various angles to remove pressure between joints, release joint-lubricating synovial fluid, and improve flexibility of muscles. "The function of muscles cannot be separated from the movement of fascia," says Ann Frederick, founder/developer. 

UPSIDES: "Runners tell us that after the first FST session they move with more ease and feel stronger and faster," Frederick says. Runners using FST also report increased stride length, less pain and tightness, and faster recovery.

DOWNSIDES: You can't do the initial session on your own. The at-home stretches can take some time to master. 

One of the reasons FST is so unique is because of its affect on the nervous system. It  allows the client to relax using modified PNF (contract-release) which brings the body into a parasympathetic state allowing the tissue to release without pain or effort. Applying PNF builds strength in the fascia and muscle from a "core" level and begins the process of retraining the tissue to "fire" properly. One of the fastest ways to release a muscle is to contract it ( 3 to 5 contractions should release a muscle within 15 seconds compared to traditional methods of holding a stretch which takes 3 minutes). 

Stretching fascia and muscle creates a permanent change in the tissue which you can feel immediately and with each session feel longer lasting results. By stretching fascia and the muscle, you are able to stretch more tissue in a shorter period of time as opposed to performing traditional stretching (muscle by muscle)  which can be painful,  time consuming and marginally effective.

What is fascia?

• Fascia is connective tissue. It connects muscle to muscle and muscle to bone. The body is integrated with fascia much like a spider web - continuous and connected throughout the structure.
• Fascia is the most prevalent tissue in the body, yet it is sometimes the least understood.
• The health and function of all joints and muscles are a direct result of the condition of your fascia.
• Healthy circulation in your muscles, joints, arteries, veins, brain and spinal cord is largely dependent on optimal flexibility of your fascia.
• Exercise alone does not optimally balance, align or improve your fascia. 

Benefits of Fascial Stretch Therapy:

• Balances the fascial lines, pulling the bones back to center, relieving and eliminating pain.
• Is pain-free stretching that feels GREAT and gives you FASTER and BETTER results.
• UNWINDS your fascia to LOOSEN UP tight muscles and stiff joints increase Range of Motion.
• Is scientifically proven to get at least 50% better results than traditional stretching.
• Can easily be integrated with all fitness programs.
• COMPLIMENTS and ENHANCES chiropractic, physical therapy, fitness training and massage.
• Improved postural alignment.
• Increased energy and blood circulation, Improved joint, muscle and nerve function.
• Decreased compression and pinching in joints and nerves thereby increasing space between joints.
Fasical Stretch Therapy has been featured in the May 2011 Runner's World - Stretching 2.0 and in Nov. 2011 Muscle & Fitness - Stretching The Rules. 
Dr. John Vigil was the first certified Fascial Stretch Therapist in Nevada and is currently the Only Chiropractor Doctor performing FST sessions. Dr. John's clients include professional UFC/MMA fighters, tennis, ultra-runners, and entertainment professionals in the dance/acrobat and stage shows as well as many recreational athletes in all sports. 
To find more information about Dr. John and Fascial Stretch Therapy, look to and the founding institute of

To schedule your session and evaluation contact Dr. John and or on his web site.

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